Active Relaxation: An Antidote to Stress


Stress is an inevitable and unavoidable part of life, but suffering the harmful effects of it doesn’t have to be. In fact, within each of us lies a natural stress-defense system, and with a little practice it can be accessed easily and frequently. The relaxation response is a state of deep yet mentally-active rest. Unlike laying on the couch, sleeping, or zoning out in front of the television, this type of relaxation leaves you feeling calm yet energized and alert. Activation of the relaxation response has been shown to increase energy and focus, combat illness, relieve aches and pains, heighten mental alertness, and boost motivation and productivity. Think of it as a natural alternative to a cup of coffee, without the adverse effects of caffeine.

Next time life has you feeling stressed and overwhelmed, skip the Starbucks line and resist the temptation to crash on the couch – the following techniques will have you feeling blissed-out in no time!

A wide variety of techniques can be used to evoke the relaxation response. In this post, we’ll highlight three techniques that we find particularly user-friendly: deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and yoga.

Read more about Relaxation Techniques

Cheers to a New Year!


The holiday season has passed, and we’ve entered into another new year! Collectively, the human race often enjoys a sense of renewed motivation and inspiration around this time. However, many of us may find ourselves feeling sluggish, unmotivated, drained, or a little “down” emotionally. While there may be many reasons for this, at the top of the list is the dietary overindulgence so common during the holiday season. By cleaning up your diet, you’ll not only give your liver a break, but you’ll also experience

  • More mental clarity
  • Less irritation, fatigue, anxiety, and depression
  • Better sleep
  • Increased energy levels

Working towards new goals and resolutions can be challenging when you’re not feeling your best, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally. In order to experience an increased sense of overall wellbeing, we at Jupiter Counseling always suggest a holistic approach.

Click here for a few recipe sugestions

Shift Your Awareness, Shift Your Life!

Poo-Favorite-Day“The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.”Abraham Maslow

Multitasking is becoming an increasingly popular, and seemingly necessary, means of getting through everyday life – cooking dinner while watching the kids, folding the laundry while planning tomorrow’s schedule, driving to work while talking on the phone. But in the midst of accomplishing goals and completing tasks, you may find that you’ve lost a sense of connection with the present moment.

It seems that so many of us are hung-up on the past or preoccupied planning for the future, that the present moment gets disregarded. This tendency to mentally gravitate away from the present can be detrimental to our wellbeing, as this is where true happiness and peace of mind lie. Fortunately for us, psychologists have been busy at work devising ways to help us stay on track, and at the forefront of these techniques is mindfulness.

Read more about Mindfulness…